FWIW, Canada Post also issued a set of 6 fly stamps in 1998. [url=http://www.collectionscanada.ca/archivianet/020117/020117030412_e.html:fb699]http://www.collectionscanada.ca/archivianet/020117/020117030412_e.html[/url:fb699] . If you click on a fly there is a bit of a blurb along with a larger image, which is also clickable.

Though I hadn't started fly fishing at the time, I bought a booklet of 12 when they came out just because I thought they were mysterious and beautiful. I truly regret having to use half of them during a bit of a financial crunch a number of years back.

Mine are up at [url=http://tinypic.com/1qri50:fb699]http://tinypic.com/1qri50[/url:fb699] and [url=http://tinypic.com/1qrfqr:fb699]http://tinypic.com/1qrfqr[/url:fb699] . Sorry for the poor picture quality, it's late, probably no one is interested, I'm in the middle of moving, etc, etc...
