Brad was the one who turned me on to the seep stream. Unfortuantly the beaver pond in the middle of the stream washed out last month and has not yet been restored.

I have friends who go to Milford almost every weekend. I will certainly be giving that a shot this summer. Just as soon as I give the stripers, wipers, white bass, crappy and waleyes a shot in Kanopolis. My friends have ski boats, jet skies etc, but I do have a canoe that may be sufficiant for less windy days, and in some of the more protected areas.

Appearantly some of the trout had washed out of the "concrete" pool and into the Smokey River, cause I saw a gal who had caught about a 3 pounder while I was cleaning my fish.

Is there anyway that I can help you get your fishing equiptment up to New York? There are also a couple of folks (Diane ) from up that way who would surely help out a needy fisherman.
