Quote Originally Posted by perch
This all sounds like a table top game that used to be popular at the carnivals.
It was called "Tossing the Broad".
You take tree cards, one of which is a Queen and then slightly fold the cards. Place them all face down and move them about the table very gently in random patterns. Allow the "guest " to fing the "Queen" a few times. Of course the game gets a little better with a friendly wager. You get the point of course . In the end the guest leaves with very little. When done correctly the guest doesnt even know that hes been had . He leaves with the feeling that he was just soooo darn close .PT Barnum was credited with a phrase about these folkes.
Thats what carbon credits are . Tossing the public. SilverMallard hit it pretty well on the head. Theres a lot more to it, but his is a pretty good readers digest short version. If you care to study carbon credits it makes a good read.
Thanks. Cuz "Reader's Digest Condensed Versions" are NOT my forte!