Hi Mike,

Turns out I had the dates wrong! Vanessa's organised the Women's trip this up-comming weekend, not last weekend, so it's this weekend I'm going.

And, she's giving a talk in Rotorua the weekend after next as well, so I get to go twice in a row! (I think; must check on the date of her talk!)

I went out to the Wairoa for two hours yesterday. Saw an eel (2 feet long) and caught one small rainbow (about 6 inches) which dashed out from the far bank and chased the fly until it it grabbed it! It took the "Bibio" on the top dropper of a 3 fly team. I saw the pattern on Alice Conba's page at Hans' site and liked the look of it. I've found dark flies work well on the Wairoa since on a good day the water is only "stained", so I tied this up to try it out.


- Jeff