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Thread: Good Bass Patterns?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Johnson County, Kansas

    Default Good Bass Patterns?

    Does anyone have any good recomendations for some bass patterns? I am getting ready to go on a bass fishing trip and need some ideas on what to fish.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Longmeadow, Ma, USA


    scroll through Fly Of The Week (FOTW)archives on this site--lots of ideas--another great source is Clouser's Flies--many well illustrated patterns in there

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Clara City, MN USA


    There are now 14, although I may have lost count, items specific to bass fishing. One of the best tutorals you'll find anywhere. Flies are mentioned in the posts. No need to do anything but scroll and read. JGW

  4. #4


    Hello Clayton,

    I use the following bass fly patterns regularly:

    Texas BullFrog
    Hard-Hackle Worm
    Black Widow

    These are all Flies-of-the-Week here on FAOL. For bass, I tye them on size 2 and 6. Bluegills like a size 10.


    In Plano TX

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lakeland, FL USA


    In the early spring, my top bass patterns are all black leeches with with or without a red bead head. Super easy to tie and really effective.

    Hook: size 2-6 2X streamer hook
    Tail: Black artic fox
    Body: Black seal fur twisted into a dubbing brush

    You can also use black mohair yarn for the body, but it is not nearly as full and is not as effective in stained or muddy water.

    As the water warms up a bit and post spawn, I switch to a polar fiber minnow tied in chartruese over white on size 2-8 hooks. No extra weight and stripped very quickly along the bank or by cover with 5 second pauses between strips.

    In the evenings, I may switch to an all black Gurgler for topwater action.

    Good luck.

    Jim Smith

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Johnson County, Kansas


    Ok, thank you for all the help! I appreciate it!I will very soon be using these new patterns!
    Thanks! Clayton

  7. #7

    Default Bass patterns for the midwest

    Hi basscatcher85,

    Glad you're getting out to do some fishing.

    Here's a couple of patterns that are versatile and simple to tye, really solid patterns for bass here in the midwest.

    Tap's bug "topwater"
    [go to flytying page and click on Taps bug tutorial]

    Disco Leech "sinking"
    Or tye this as a larger version of a Wooly Bugger

    Both these patterns can be tyed in various colors, I'd recommend black & purple for the leech. White and yellow for the Tap's bug.

    Good luck, have fun tying.....


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    West Tennessee


    An easy one to make and to use:
    Natural-colored San Juan worm.
    Good fishing technique trumps all.....wish I had it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Ontario, Canada


    Here are a few patterns that have worked well for me:

    1. sparkle grub (in rootbeer, black, or white)
    2. Murray's Hellgamite (great pattern!)
    3. a squirrel crayfish pattern I came up with
    4. Michigan Wiggler (tied with a ginger body and hackle, with fox squirrel tail as the tail and shellback)
    5. gurgle pop (can be found on this website)

    Hope this helps. If you need any more info. about the patterns or tying instructions, send me a pm.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Columbus, OH

    Default Bass patterns

    Topwater - Large Sneaky Pete's especially the new Orange color and a Frog imitation.

    Bottom - Wooly Buggers, V-worm, Craw imitations.

    Mid-water - James Woods Bucktail, tied on a larger hook.

    Here's a smple and effective fly that holds just below the surface. On your favorite Bass hook, medium length shank (baitholder), tie a tail of squirrel or rabbit zonker the length of the hook. Starting at the tail, wrap more zonker to the eye and tie off. YOU ARE DONE. The guy that showed me this called it the Wilds Hammer. Adding some glue as you go will help the fly last longer. The fur pulses like crazy and the fly seems to have a neutral bouancy. Play around with the pattern - I've tied natural colors and some fluorescent ones. I've also done some double tails to look like frogs. Enjoy!
    To Miss Nancy - She hated fishing, but loved a fisherman.

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