Well this has gone from the ridiculous, to the pompous and arrogant, and now just plain ignorant post Silver Tongue!!! Now I have no integrity or ethics?? This is really starting to sound like a re-run of "The good ol boys"! Here's my bottom line----anyone who does not conform to your views or thought process is automatically deemed "not one of us" and is a threat,, hence the "high horse" comment. It also was ment, as it was for Marco, in that you initially said your peace and you should have kept it at that! Instead, you jumped up on your pedestal,, gathered your flock,, and began prayer meetings for those didn't want to listen(of which I am one)to your views of the world.
Oh Yeah, one more thing. Thios thread didn't begin as an ehtical debate but as an apology and an explanation by a guy who did a wrong thing and has since made up for it. It didn't need you to sweep down from above and lecture anyone on the rights and wrongs and whether their values match up to yours. You wanna preach??? Start your own thread on how you want everyone to be!!!!
Salmon Chaser