A few recent threads have made me recall that I am in debt to a member or two here. I know I owe Jim Hatch some olive buggers for those two pigs he sent me many years ago. I have a nagging feeling I owe RW a couple, too, but I cannot recall why.

The again, Foo still owes me a dozen hoppers, but since he discovered gurls and went off to school, I haven't worried too much about it. And I am pretty sure Les owes me a bottle, which I am thinking he should bring to the Idaho fish-in. That gives me time to figure out what should be in the bottle...

And Gnu Bee owes me for some heckling, and Z a turkey-related practical joke or two.

So if I owe you anything, let me know. And if I really do, keep nagging me, because some day I will tie a fly or two again.

