Like most of you out their I fish alot of different waters and fish. I could probably get buy with 3rods 6,8,10. one for rainbows, one for Silvers and Red salmon, And a 10wt for Kings.

But then I wouldnt have a rod for that small creek in my backyard that has 4inch trout in it, and only 3ft across. so Ill add a 3wt.
Then I wouldnt have a rod for Kenai rainbows. A 6wt would be to small and a 8wt you dont get as much fun from them soo I'll throw in a 7wt.
Maby I want to go fish a lake for grayling soo Ill throw in a long 4wt.

So the question is why not have every rod weight and length If you have a use for them???

BTW I build my own rods so Its not so expensive