Those little yellow pieces of paper help remind me of things I have to do. For instance, when I check my E-Mail and I see that there are several Post replies from the BB, I write down what the Posts are, then delete them and go to FAOL.
(That's how I do it)
Being my own worst critic for most of my life, is not always a good thing. I have learned that I HAVE to make mistakes in order to learn.
It's about being balanced. Don't Flame (ranting is good therapy though)
This applies to me, Don't bash yourself for making a mistake! Say your sorry and move on.
I am fascinated how difficult it is to communicate through the written word.
I decided to write down Do's and Don'ts of what I need to watch out for on the BB.
1. Hot button topics; I have my pet peeves and I don't want to get mad replying to someone's topic (raining on their parade)
2. Flexible communication; If I don't want to normally reply to someone's topic, then I send a PM instead.
One person was even flattered that I took the time send a PRIVATE message!
3. Save the Jokes for when you get to know the person. I want to be sensitive to someone in another country also. GBF I have a feeling you will comment on this!
Communicating with new people and people from different countries, reminds me of Jack Webb from the old TV show, "JUST THE FACTS MAAM!"
It's OK to be a little more friendly than Jack (Dragnet Police Show)