I am a fan of Raisin Bran Crunch. The other day I realized we were out, so I set out to buy some more. When I got to the RBC section of the cereal aisle, I noticed that on the front of some of the boxes there was a picture of a woman and two young girls, each wearing a silly hat and the two girls were holding fishing rods. Beneath them was a blurb that said "Kids All American Fishing". On one side of the box is an ad for a Zebco spin-cast outfit along with the statement, 'The most beautiful sound in the world,"Dad, I got one."' On the back of the box there's a bunch of other stuff including, "Reel in your family with healthy fun", and "Parents, get your kids hooked on fishing." The thing that really got me though was a photograph of a dad and young son in fishing attire with fly rods in their hands. Dads even looks like it might be bamboo.
Kellog encouraging parents to take their kids fishing, is that a great idea or what? And, they even included fly fishing in the mix.


There is a fine line between fly fishing, and standing in the water waving a stick.