FLIES can be any kind of PANFISH FLY that you like. ie; your favorite ...your "GO-TO" FLY. ANY size hook. Tie 12 flys of the same kind.

1.)Open to 12-PARTICIPANTS including me.

2.)SIGN UP UNTIL February 14th.

3.)DUE DATE March 31th.

4.)If you don't make the deadline, your flies will be returned.(I will make up the missing flies)So don't PROCRASTINATE!!!

5.)Each Fly must be labeled/toe-tagged.(Name of fly,Your Name,KNICKNAME & Email Address.)


7.)Please provide a return package with appropriate return postage and labeled with your return address.

8.) Tie 12 flies so we all get a complete set.
You will need to tie one for every swapper, including yourself. It gives you a complete set of all of the flies, and it makes the swapmeister's job easier by not having to keep track of whose box is whose.

1.)Kahuna-BEAD NYMPH

2.)Kaboom1-Foam Spider-RECEIVED
3.)white43-Hare n' Copper-RECEIVED
4.)okieflyfisheman-crappie candy-RECEIVED
5.)Rick Z-Boa Yarn Leech-RECEIVED
6.)bowmaker1-Gurgle Pop-RECEIVED
8.)greyfox-partridge & green soft hackle-RECEIVED
9.)Greg Hunsiker-Green Mini-Bugger-RECEIVED
11.)SullyTM-Sams One Bug-RECEIVED

12.)Gigmaster-Georgia Black Cricket-RECEIVED