Under, "Colorado Say It Aint So", I started a discussion about your citizens' smug attitude. It has no foundation.

The letter said to be from the Denver Post was Bogus, Urban Legend.

I should have known the eMail was Bogus. See:

The eMail has been around a while starting with a North Dakota location, later Michigan, and recently the version "from" Colorado. It depends on who had a snow storm recently. The myth buster further points out that in some cases the governor of the state did ask for federal assistance.

I am sorry.

Having been around Chicago all my life I should have a better ear for bogus news. Chicago politics invented the wisper campaign. The classic occures a day or two before the election. In a crowded elevator in a large office building, a guy in the back casually mentions that "a certain candidate: namely" has been seen every weekend by a friend who is a cop on Rush Street. Said candidate is always drunk and engaged in xxxx with women, men, or both. All the occupants of the elevator spread the tale which cannot be exposed as false before the election is over.

So my new gripe is,"Why are humans, including myself, so gullible?" Around campaign time there is a whole industry dedicated to working this angle. But it is no just campaign time either...