"Again, thanks for the memories."

You are welcome, Bill. I still have the Wavecaster and the Micron. The soul of the first Wavecaster passsed into the one I have now when I took the high profile guides off of it and used them to reincarnate the rod on a 3 piece,8.5 ft, HDH or D, Herter's Browntone Precision Fiberglass blank cut down to 6'9".

I still use the Micron once in a while though, with my current interest in Fly Fishing as much as possible, that is not a lot. The rod is retired. I realized that, though it always made a bluegill feel like a whale, I wanted to catch the whale. That was not the rod to use.

I am not sure if the 50s were transition years for fishing or transition years for me. Either way I want to write these stories down to share them with others besides those I fish with. I will use a figure because it is hard to say directly. When I look at the horizon, it is closer than it was before. So , while it still can be described as pretty far away, I want to get this done.