When watching others cast it always amazes me at the differences in the amount of effort various casters seem to exert to get the same distance or result. Some seem to cast so effortlessly. Real poetry in motion. While others seem to muscle the cast. I know all about line speed and stop and start , and get the line moving and the slack out and although all the casters I watch seem to do things right...there is still this 'smoothness' difference. At first I thought maybe it had something to do with how tall the various casters were (not coming close to 6 foot myself) I pay particular attention to those casters closer to my stature. That does not seem to be the answer as I've watched JC and Les cast along with Ray and others at the fish-ins.
Of course I have never had someone tape me casting, but I know, like you know, that some days my own casting just doesn't seem as smooth as other days. I admire these effortless guys, these always effortless guys, and would love to consistantly cast as beautifully, fluidily as they.
Yes, it is easy to compare poor casters who slap and rip water, bring rod tip too far forward or backward, but just what is it that make the smooth casters look so smooth and effortless from those that don't even though they get the same accuracy and distance?