I was about 13 and fishing by myself at a state park we were camping in. I was using a fly rod with bait at the mouth of a stream and decided to take a short-cut back to the camper. As I rounded the corner, there was a large section of decaying leaves covering the ground, I started to walk accros when I fell through the leaves up to my chest. It felt as if my feet were still not toucking the bottom, I managed to get out and noticed I was wet from my chest down. Turns out the leaves collected there during the winter and as the lake receded in the summer it left this big "pile" with holes in it. Went up to my waist at least once or twice as I made my way back to the hard land. I'm always leary of big areas of fallen leaves near a body of water now.

"Work like you don't need the money;
Love like you've never been hurt; and
Dance like no one's watching!"