How could I ever thank all of you enough for the things you have done for me throughout the years here at this wonderful site. My contributions to you have been far fewer than your contributions to me. When I have been down, you have lifted me up. When our son had cancer you all pulled for him and it pulled us through the darkest day of our lives.

As my infirmities grow worse my time on the stream grows limited at times. When I am on the stream, living the dream, I always find myself smiling for I am thinking of all of you.

When I meet another fly fisher or teach someone to fly fish I see, in their face, the joy of our sport that all of you brought to me. When I get disgusted with my tying and casting I hear all of you with words of advice and encouragement. Never a negative word from this family of fly fishers. That is very special to me.

When I offend, you forgive. When I cry, you dry up my tears and make me smile. When my burdens are heavy, you lighten my load. No matter what your burdens may be you always take the time to help me.

I can never thank you enough for your friendship. So, at this very special time of the year, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May He who created the fishes and earth fill your creel with goodness and love throughout the years.

Great big guy cyber hugs to all from the "Nighthawk"