It can be done. Take your length of Maxima and shave it to a long, thin point with a razor blade or Exacto knife. Aim for a taper an inch or more long. Put the thin tip of the Maxima into the eye of the needle and pull it through. Now make the rest of the knot as Fly Goddess suggested. This isn't my invention, I got it from Sosin and Kreh's "Practical Fishing Knots".

I do these knots with needle and sandpaper and I always feel like I'm going to impale myself. A small jig to align everything would save a lot of time and maybe a trip to the emergency room. A shopping I will go, now that I know what to look for. Thanks!

Oh, I have a Cortland WF6 with this exact connection that I made up with 0.018" Maxima. I made the splice in 1989 (give or take a couple years). The line spends a lot of time on the shelf, but the connection is still strong enough to bust a tippet.
