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Thread: Watch out for eBay Spam!

  1. #1

    Default Watch out for eBay Spam!

    We do not have an eBay account, have never sold nor bought anything there. Please be careful:
    Ben Freckmann has opened a dispute for the payment made to you on nov.
    2006 indicating that they never received the item.

    Your Transaction ID:8VL41716TP118284D
    Buyer's Transaction ID:2V184750WV419180C

    There are many reasons why this might have happened. It could be that
    item is still in transit or was accidentally delivered to the wrong
    address. Sometimes buyers open a non receipt dispute too soon because
    underestimate how long it can take for shipping and delivery.

    By opening this dispute, Ben Freckmann is asking for your help to
    this issue. This is your best opportunity to resolve this problem
    the buyer escalates it to a PayPal claim or files a chargeback with
    card issuer.

    To close this dispute go to:

    MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "cpe000c6e407e60-cm0011aea50712.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com:82" claiming to be https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/?cmd=_complaint-view-details&cid=PP-214-999-522


    Ben Freckmann can escalate this dispute to a PayPal claim at any time
    Nov 30, 2006. On that date, this dispute will automatically close.

    We encourage you to respond to the buyer as soon as possible. A buyer
    feels that you are working with them to resolve a problem is less
    likely to
    escalate a dispute to a claim.

    Keep in mind that the funds associated with this payment may be
    "Disputed" and not available for withdrawal until the case has been

    Thank you,


    Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and
    will not receive a response.

    PayPal Email ID PP903

  2. #2


    I almost got hoodwinked that way once. I DO have an eBay account and I got a similar message. When I clicked the link in the email I didn't recognize the web address, in other words it didn't say www.bla bla bla.EBAY.COM.

    Best advise I can offer is NEVER respond to email from places that may have reason to need your password or financial information.

    Instead go directly to the the website where the e-mail (supposedly), originated from. If the request was legitimate, you will see the same info request on the REAL website when you log in.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    McPherson, KS, USA


    I get this stuff all the time. I used to report them but now I just delete the E-Mail. Always log on E-Bay directly to check messages and never use a link provided in the fake communication.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    Easy to spot Ebay & PayPal spoofs. NEVER open them, just forward to...
    spoof@ebay.com or spoof@paypal.com as appropriate.
    You will get a return email thanking you for reporting the scam & acknowledging the email did NOT come from them.
    I simply forward (WITHOUT opening), then delete.
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Ithaca, NY USA


    Yeah, I get them all the time, too. Ebay rocks but ebay scams are pretty common. Just never click on any of their links. If you think it could be real just type the address into the web browser yoursel and see what's what.
    "If I'm not going to catch anything, then I 'd rather not catch anything on flies" ... Bob Lawless

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    I deal quite a bit on ebay with electronic equipment. I get lots of this kind of email. If you receive one.....forward it to spoof@ebay.com I can assure you they will take some sort of action and any action in my opinion is a start to keep these weirdows at bay (no pun intended). Either that or ignore them, delete them and don't open them. Anywhere your email address is available, you sre sure to get this miserable stuff. Like the song says, "Don't worry, be happy". In this electronic society, remember....life goes one.

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