It's time to lighten things up around here!
Have you watched the show Survivor Man?
Have you noticed he always knows what's EDIBLE?
I've got my own way and that isss, if a Seagull won't touch it then neither will I!
McDonalds French Fries, Fruit Cake, Peas, Brussel Sprouts ect....
Anyway Fruit Cake is a necessary evil in our country and I ran across this story in the paper today.
HEADLINE; Were Sending Them Over There So We Don't Have To Eat Them Here.
When 88 yr. old Lucille Green of Willmington Delaware showed up at the Post Office to mail her home-made fruitcakes to friends and relatives, she was accused of being a terrorist.
"What kind of explosives do you have in here?"
asked a postal worker before shaking her box.
A BIG salute to that postal worker who was looking out for other people's welfare!
Doug P.S. I already know what's coming,,,RECIPES