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Most Anglers Vote Their Sport

Also, Do Anglers Frequently Travel to Other States to Fish?

Many anglers understand the impacts of government action on sportfishing. According to an October poll conducted by, nearly 80% of anglers reported a candidate?s stance on sportfishing-related issues could affect their vote.

?Considering the many issues in front of legislators, such as marine fisheries policy and water quality issues, candidates need to consider the concerns of the nearly 40 million Americans who fish each year,? said Rob Southwick, the president of Southwick Associates, Inc., the company that conducted the poll.

The specific question asked and the results are:

?When you consider which candidates to vote for in any state or federal election, does the candidate's position on fishing-related issues (if any) impact your decisions??

Always 33.6%

Sometimes 45.9%

Rarely 10.7%

Never 3.5%

Don't know /no opinion 6.3%

An additional question in the October poll investigated the percentage of anglers who visited other states to fish last year. One-half of the responding anglers indicated they fished in at least one out-of-state location:

Did you fish out of state last year?

Yes, I visited 1 other state 29.0%

Yes, I visited 2 to 3 other states 16.3%

Yes, I visited more than 3 other states 5.3%

No, I did not 49.5% is a monthly online survey of anglers nationally providing industry and policymakers with information on sportfishing trends and activity.