Well, as the weather is turning colder (and my favourite steelhead rivers are blown out for the weekend due to heavy rains and high winds) I thought I'd get a jump on my bass flies for next season. I have a few "oldies but goodies" in my fly box, but I'm looking to expand my bass fly selection. Here's what I normally use:

1. Sparkle Grubs (I love this fly - used it for the first time this season and caught a number of smallies 18"+ with the largest being 21.5")

2. Murray's Hellgramite

3. Michigan Wigglers

4. Crayfish (a mix of several patterns)

5. Gurgle Pop - I haven't tried this yet, but it looks cool (saw it on this site), and I've been tying them for the last hour.

Well, ladies and gentlement, what should I add to my list? Pics or tying instructions are always appreciated.
