Yes, I make mistakes in English as I have learned it
"on the street" not in school. Also, my knowledge of computers is not adequate to help me go through the spell check here on BB.
Regarding the polar bear guard hair, I am convinced that it is hollow and translucent. It has something to do with conducting the light toward the dark skin of the bear for the warmth absorption. It is therefore buoyant. There are records about polar bears found swiming over 50km away from the nearest land. (I believe that is the number I rad in some scientific article).
The comment that was made about the polar bear hair not being hollow, was in refference to the flaring
like the deer hair, which has a different structure and is more like spungy(?)so it can flare.
Paul Schmookler has described polar bear hair in the article in one of Art of Angling Journals. I am away from my home at the moment, and can't tell you which issue it was.
Pardon my spelling again.
Happy tying