I remember when we use to be able to fish for Sturgon at night on the Oregon side of the Columbia river. We would congregate by Bonniville Falls dam and build great fires, roast hot dogs, boil cowboy coffee....what sweet memories. It is illegal to fish at night there now. You can't even fish at night on Sauvie Island for catfish, another great adventure. Thats why I brought up the question "where do you fish for steelhead at night in Washington?" I think it is illegal? One thing about living here in Michigan now....you can fish at night for anything that swims....ice fishing, steelhead and of course a nice plump brown on the fly. I have remarked more than once to my friends here in Michgan...as far as fishing and hunting goes, this is the way it was in Oregon over forty years ago. I really don't think they know how good they have it. I know JC and LF know what I am talking about.