Look here for some info. http://flyanglersonline.com/flytying/at ... nning.html

I have tried EVERYTHING to get the grease/oil out of waterfowl and other skins and nothing I have read or heard of works. EXCEPT lacquer thinner. I recently discovered that a good soaking in lacquer thinner for about 24 hours give or take pulls virtually all of the oil and grease out of the skin and feathers. Other thinners either don't touch the stuff or foul the feathers beyond use. After soaking dry out the skin and feathers COMPLETELY and then a good washing in warm water & soap will clean the skin and feathers. Be sure to dry it completely or the thinner will make a mess with the soapy water.

Best to do this outside (particularly the drying of the thinner) because the fumes are highly flamable and not too good to breathe unless you dig inhalents.

Happy Trails!