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Thread: Joe's Article: The Floating Casino

  1. #1

    Default Joe's Article: The Floating Casino

    I've got to confess, Joe. I was out with my sister and her husband a few seasons ago on Lake Jackson LMB fishing and dunking plastic worms on spinning tackle (it happens from time to time as I'm the only one in my family that also uses fly tackle), near a bass feeder (above the water hanging kind). We released a lot but also kept three or four small LMB that went to a neighbor of mine. Not something I (we) usually do (like you, I feel its not sporting) just happened to be fishing that side of the lake and realized there was a feeder there. Maybe those bassers knew the feeder was a panfish feeder and not a bass feeder by the type of feeder? Just guessing because I don't know much about fish feeders .
    Robert B. McCorquodale

    "Flip a fly"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    28433 N State Lamoni, Ia 50140


    I know that the heat got to Joe. He did not talk about using a Hares Ear. I think we may be influenceing him.


  3. #3


    That's true, Rick. Yellow poppers and a centipede. Not one word about Old Reliable. BTW Rick, I was at Wal-Mart getting a new fishing license and they had a clearance bin for Boa Yarn so I got two skeins. One sort of yelow and pink and the other sort of green and brown. 75 cents each. I figure I can get some yellow off of the one with pink in it. I tried to get my license on 9/11 like last time to give the game wardens something to talk about but the clerk made it 9/12.
    Robert B. McCorquodale

    "Flip a fly"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Lawrence, KS, USA


    Overcome by the desire to get that story submitted the day after the trip, I failed to report that I caught three of those big keeper bluegills using Old Reliable.

    I hereby publicly apologize to Old Reliable for this omission.

    Old Reliable, you were the last of your size (#10) that was left in my nymph box. This lake I was fishing should be officially renamed "Old Reliable Boneyard" for the number of your #10 HEN brothers I've lost after hooked bluegills tied clove hitches around those submerged brush stems.

    Sorry, Old Reliable, that I didn't go with you straight out on Saturday, like I normally do. I didn't want to risk immediately losing you. But in desperation I ended up coming back to you anyway because that nasty centipede quit working after it got turned into an antique by that channel cat and then the bass.

    So enjoy some R&R time, Old Reliable. If it makes you feel better, yesterday after work I stopped at K&K Fly Fishers in Kansas City and recruited 5 new Old Reliables to reinforce your Navy Of One. (I also recruited two more centipedes, but in this post will speak no more of them.)

    "Better small than not at all."

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    28433 N State Lamoni, Ia 50140


    I just knew is was to good to be true.

    It had to be in there someplace. Even if another another fly works he has to use a Hares Ear.

    I think he has stock in the company that makes the dubbing.

    I haven't converted him to other flies in all the time I have been trying.


  6. #6


    Well you know it follows the old saying, Rick, "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink." At least he is using some other flies besides the HEN and having luck on them.
    Robert B. McCorquodale

    "Flip a fly"

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