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Thread: cabalas in Boise

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Nampa, Idaho USA

    Default cabalas in Boise

    Got to go to the new cabalas in Boise last night on a invitation to all card holders. Went in to buy the wife a pontoon boat for her b-day and some waders. Didn't have either in stock so had to order. did end up buying a bunch of stuff though. got a 7 weight for the son for x-mas or steelhead and bought myself a 3weight. Just got the cheap set for $80. bought a bunch of fly tying stuff good price on hooks. Not real impressed with the store. Just another sporting goods store just bigger then most. great customer service though but then again the store was not open to the public yet. Had fun and made a night of it. Then got the big surprize. Wife wants to learn to fly fish! Start this weekend to teach her. She said it looked like I was having more fun then her in slamon catching all those cuts and rainbows and brookies.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2001
    McKinney TX USA
    Blog Entries


    Great news! may you and your wife have a wonderful time fishing together.
    maybe there was some Cabelas voodoo workin?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Liberty Lake, Washington


    If you were catching cuts, rainbows and brookies, you were having more fun than her. No matter what she was doing.
    God Bless,
    Where you go is less important than how you take the steps.
    Fish with a Friend,
    Lotech Joe

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Southern Idaho, USA

    Default Boise Cabelas vs other Cabelas

    We stood in line this morning for about 35 minutes, with coffee in hand, and was some of the first 100 people through the door this morning on opening day to the public. No drawings, prizes, cheap giveaways, special event, etc. (I was sort of hoping for a refill of my coffee mug ) We did have a round of applause by all the store employees as we all walked through. Okay, I wasn't expecting drawings for their rods, grills, or tents, but after ALL the free press they got from the media, something other than clapping would have been a nice gesture. I didn't see any special sales either... (We did hear that yesterday's preopening to card and internet members had a great showing with the line about 150 yards long to get in the door.)

    Last year we were in Salt Lake City and drove down to Lehi to see our first Cabelas. WOW. What a store. We walked around for 3 1/2 hours and knew when we left we could have spent another hour.

    When Boise Cabelas opened, we knew it was going to be smaller just by the shape of the building they leased/bought. It is a disappointment, however. It is very toned down...I'd say half the floor space of the Lehi store.

    The Boise stored stated they had the largest fishing section of any Cabelas because of Idaho's reputation for its fishing. I really did not see a large difference between the Lehi fishing dept and Boise's. I was very disappointed in the fly fishing area. IF it has the largest area, it's geared more toward the bass/warmwater (ie boating) and the spinning segments.

    We did buy some of their discount flies and couple items for our boys that we promised we would get them next time we visited a Cabela's. Will we be going back? Probably when they have Christmas sales. Otherwise, I'll be sticking to the locally owned Boise fish stores. Keep the money in town.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    I may be way wrong, but I know my wife and if she is in a huge honkin store, lots of stuff, sales going on....carnival atmosphere.. etc. she is having a good time. Now if you went into say Abrcombie and Fitch, a stuffy ole duffer with pipe in mouth, every other word is Ahem...well she might just say...honey can we go home now. You know what I mean. who can't help but get wrapped up in allt he Cabela's hipe? You are lucky man...my wife has a hard time getting around with her cancer now....but we do have our memories. Good luck and good fishimg. Jonezee

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