This is a fly i made up!!!

Tying Davido's Mosquito:

dryfly hook: #12 or smaller
tail: grizzly hackle fibers
body: black thread
ribbing: long strand of white bucktail
hackle: grizzly hackle

Insert hook in vise and jam knot thread in the middle.

Tie in some grizzly hackle fibers one shank length for the tail.

Tie in bucktail for ribbing.

Advance thread forward 2/3 of shank.

Wind ribbing forward and tie off. Trim excess.

Tie in grizzly hackle feather by base, dull side toward you.

Advance thread forward one eye length behind eye.

Wind hackle forward in close wraps. Tie off and trim excess.

Whip Finish and trim thread. Cement head.

now i worked my butt off on making that turorial so even if you dont tie flies (which i hope you do as this is the fly tying section), i hope you apprieciate it !!!