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Thread: Insect Repellant

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Shallotte, NC - USA


    Deet alone is useless against gnats, no-eee-ums and those nasty biting black flies! Here, it has to be spiked with an additional repellent to be effective.

    For DEET products, I've got a lot of performance from Sawyer products. I liked their 20% timed-release repellent that was every bit as effective as the 100% for up to 5 or 6 hours. Also, Sawyer's "Broad Spectrum" - DEET spiked with another chemical - I found to be very effective against those biting black flies.


  2. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Shallotte, NC - USA


    Here's the correct link to Sawyer products -

    http://www.sawyeronline.com/sawyer_prod ... /index.htm


  3. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default DEET toxicity

    I am a mosquito magnet so I am usually desperate for any and all such solutions. My only comment is that DEET is a neurotoxin for people not just bugs. Not typically a problem for adults but I sure wouldn't bathe in it and the 100% products are not for kids. But I am heading for Minnesota and the boundary waters in the near future so thanks to all of you for listing your experience.

    Jim Stocks

  4. #24


    The bug jacket and hood someone mentioned is called Bug Out. It's a quality product made in Canada. Works great as a physical barrier, but it reduces the air circulation around your body. I think the CDC website on West Nile says that anything above 40% deet isn't any more effective than the 40%. I wear sun gloves with the imitation leather palms and spray deet on them. They fish just fine with fly lines as the ends of the fingers are cut out and there is still a good grip on the cork. With the spread of West Nile disease, I'm not as willing to tolerate a few bites.

  5. #25


    Great info, especially about the newer Deet replacement products. Bounce fabric softener sheets are also another option. Wipe a dry one over your exposed skin and stick one in each pocket. If they get wet you can use them to clean bugs off the vehicle, it works in many cases.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Escondido, Ca


    Quote Originally Posted by Ole
    .................................................. ................................... I think the CDC website on West Nile says that anything above 40% deet isn't any more effective than the 40%. .................................................. ...............................................Wit h the spread of West Nile disease, I'm not as willing to tolerate a few bites.
    The CDC says:

    "For many hours outside (over 3-4 hours) and/or where biting is very intense?look for a repellent containing more than 20% DEET. Products with more than 50% DEET do not offer additional protection. "

    http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvbid/westnil ... ellent.htm
    Sanitize your FF equipment and wash your boat, trailer, livewells & sumps. Wash your wading dog

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Escondido, Ca


    Quote Originally Posted by KevinC
    This is what iuse here in Florida.


    I stay away from deet products because it ruins the coating on fly lines.

    If that stuff works for you that is good. But you would then be atypical.

    The CDC says:

    "For shorter periods of time, repellents containing less than 20% DEET, the repellent currently available with 7% picaridin or one of the products containing oil of lemon eucalyptus may provide adequate protection. There are other products available, but they may not protect as long as those named here. "

    As far as my fly line. and my waders go. - I can replace them many times for the cost of a bout with West Nile Virus. If you are over 50 West Nile Virus could reasonably be at the expense of your life.
    Sanitize your FF equipment and wash your boat, trailer, livewells & sumps. Wash your wading dog

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Grande Cache, Alberta, Canada


    I've found that scented soaps attract flies and not showering right before heading to the bush helps as well as washing fishin/bush gear as little as possible. I work in the bush and between work and fishing am out 300+days a year.

    MY work gear smells like a dead muskrat (hasn't been washed since June) but I very rarely even use bug dope. I shower the night before work right after I get home and never in the morning before. And when I do use dope it is high DEET % and its' mostly on my clothing, and the back of my neck.....


  9. #29

    Default Ivory soap

    I agree with the scented soaps and hair shampoos. Use Ivory soap and you will be much better OFF. I would also recomend pinning a few of the clothes dryer static towels on your hat and the back of your neck. You might be surprised how well the combo works.

    Excuse my spelling and grammar, I hooked Mondays and Fridays to either fish or hunt.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Southern Idaho, USA


    We were camping at about 7,000+ and were attacked constantly by the skeeters. We went through two containers of bug stuff in three days (25-50% Deet, one wipe on, one spray on), and finally went home in a quick flurry of production. I wasn't bit too bad, but DH and eldest son had bad bites. Some so bad there was swelling that looked more like head injuries and not bites. Youngest son was hardly bit at all. Body chemistry? Blood type? Breath? He's a huge fan of garlic. He adores anything with garlic, and even eats them raw. I'm thinking, next time, I'll start ODing on garlic about 48 hours before we go out. Just as an experiment. I have also heard that rubbing yarrow will detour those pesky bugs, but I cannot recall if it's the head of the yarrow flower or the leaves. (Although I'm fairly certain it's the wild yarrow, and not the domesticated pastel version, that they're discussing.)

    Basil will keep flies away. (Trivia of the day.)

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