Last week I ordered some squirrel tails from Ken and Elaine (Fly Tying Furs). Three days later I had a box filled with some of the thickest tails I have ever seen. I can easily see the difference between a squirrel harvested in the winter as opposed to the summer .... or, it could be that the squirrels up north just have thicker fur. Nonetheless, they were wonderful! To top it off, a coyote tail and a big bucktail were thrown in as a bonus. I don't know about you, but any time I get a bonus like that it's worth shouting about. THAT'S AWESOME.

They sell the #1 squirrel tails for 65 cents. That's easily 2/3 less than what I can find in the flyshops where I live. Also, the tails were in great shape. They were flat, neatly trimmed, and did not stink at all.

The shipping was fast and the product came with a guarantee -- you don't pay for your order until you have inspected what you've bought -- if you don't like it you don't have to buy it.

I just wanted to put in a plug for one of our sponsors. My experience could not have been better. If you need furs, tails, hair, and various types of plummage then consider Fly tying Furs -- Ken and Elaine will take care of you.