I broke about 4" off one of my rods when I was trying to get out of an electrical storm. Tried to reel it in as fast as I could and the line got caught around the tip of the rod and SNAP! But, I was done for the day anyway. I didn't feel any better about it.
she who dies with the most toy's wins.
Helicopsyche - Adam,
Does this mean that you are about to embark on a walk to the ..... Dark Side?????????? Rod Building that is.
Try it, you'll like it! Only, you can't just make one.
I would love to build a rod, but right now I am too busy with work. I will be away from home for at least 20 days every month until September. One of these days I hope to take it up. I called the guy who built the rod for me and he is fixing it as we speak.
I think that if you get the line in exactly the right (or worng) length out you can put pressure on the rod so that you have a greater angle on the tip, enough to cause your problem.
I would assume that if you have had the rod a while it is probably not a strucutral defect and if your warranty covers "anything" then you paid for the insurance so return it. If it's a manufacturer's defect guarantee then call and talk with the company.
Hope you get back in working order soon (and cheaply)
So let's see...
Using HideHunter's logic...
Every beginning fisherperson broke the first rod they owned because they were not accomplished enough yet.
Every accomplished fisherperson who is a bit clumsy breaks every rod they touch.
If either of these do not apply to you, you broke your rod on purpose.
Oh, and one more thing...
I just paid a week's salary for a new rod. It breaks (for whatever reason) and I am not entitled to warranty service? I assume we also should not get warranty work done on our cars, our washing machines or our televisions.
Interesting line of thinking there!
[This message has been edited by Royce (edited 21 February 2006).]
I think Hidehunter's reply was meant to be tongue in cheek. And imitated the tone of some replies that have been given the past on this very subject.
i agree with hide hunter...and evil dave...
Thanks anglerdave,(notice the wink at the top of my post)
I feel your pain Helico.
Yep, I broke one on a fish and made the mistake of mentioning I guessed I'd have to see how good the warranty was.
Prompted three weeks of speculation on everything from my ability to play a fish, to my honesty and 'almost' to my family lineage.
And Jayhawk Jeff .. when my book on casting come out - I'd pass. http://www.flyanglersonline.com/bb/biggrin.gif
Opps!!! Sorry. Missed the little wink. Please accept my apologies. I'll be more careful before I shoot my mouth off again!
I will be back up and running soon. The rod is a Sage so the blank charge is $30 and the guy who made it fixes it for free. A real great guy who does beautiful work.
Thanks for the Concern,
vox clamantis in deserto