1 wt. reels and rods
I'm currently looking for a good 1 wt. reel...I don't really want to spend more than $50 or so. Anyone know where I should start? seems like most reels are recomended for lines 3 and above. what about rods? the only one I've found so far is a 7 ft. 1 wt. by Cabelas but I would prefer something closer to 6' or 6'6"
just looking for something to take hiking when I run across those tiny little streams with tons of over growth. I also want one to supplement my 3, 5 and 8wts. that I already have...thanx guys,
Seven' is fairly close to 6 1/2.
I don't know where you could beat the complete outfit - rod, reel, Cortland Clear Creek line, backing, sock and tube for $160.
Lots of folks on this board thought the same thing....bunch of us have um.
Take a look at the review this week from Capt. Barry Evans on the new TFO cassette reel. I just ordered one for my new 4 weight but no reason it wouldn't work just as well for a 1 weight. It's in your price range as well.
You might want to look at the J.Austin Forbes Magnesium for $75 marked down from $174 listed on Overstock.com. I own two of these reels, one for my 1wt and the other for my 2wt. This is just a bit more than you mentioned spending, but it only weighs 2.2 oz and the quality is excellent. Great little reels that should last you a lifetime. Just a thought...
Jim Smith
For $50 you're not going to find a reel light enough to properly balance that short& light of a rod. There is pleanty to choose from at that price point, but just not idealy suited. For cost, I would agree with Buzz that the Cabelas outfit is the best deal in town.
As for rods, the shortest 1wt I know of is Dan Craft's 6'-10" in the Sig III line.
If length is your biggest concern, there are several 2wts in 6'6" and shorter to choose from.
Clarkman23....Check out the rods available from [url=http://www.sierraclassicflyrod.com:86edf]www.sierraclassicflyrod.com[/url:86edf] . He builds super short rods at some pretty great prices. I just recieved a 5'6" 3wt this week and the fit and finish are awesome. I too wanted a rod for those tight spots, but decided to go with a three weight. Bob(owner) is an awesome guy, and very easy to deal with. The rods come in very nice tubes with nice movable handles etc... check them out, I think I'll be picking up quite a few more rods from him over the course of the summer. Good luck
Okay, unless I am missing something it seems you are asking about a reel for your 1wt rod and not the whole outfit. No?
If that's the case, check out the Pflueger Supreme 1834. Hook & Hackle, a sponsor here on FAOL, carries them. They weigh 3.2 oz. and sell for $50.
thanks guys, I'm just trying to see if there's anything else out there other than just Cabelas, which is probably what I'll end up going with anyway...
I have an Fly Fish America Magazine that goes over the lightest rods and reels from 2004 or 2003? It helped me buy what I was looking for for hiking and fishing the Blue Ridge Parkway. I can photo copy it for you and mail it too you or anyone for that matter. It was the best comparison of rods. here is the site - great magazine