Hey guys,
I'm just wondering what everyone's favorite and their most sucessful sea run fly is. Mine might be a blue zulu. Im be sneeky, because I want to build a box and am looking for some input.
Thanks a lot!
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Hey guys,
I'm just wondering what everyone's favorite and their most sucessful sea run fly is. Mine might be a blue zulu. Im be sneeky, because I want to build a box and am looking for some input.
Thanks a lot!
Since Fly Tyer's location is listed as New Foundland I'm going to take a wild guess and say Brookies. I've no experience in this area just a long standing desire to try my luck during the fall spawing run. I'm eager to see it is Brook Trout or another anadromous species.
There are both brookies and Browns. The brown population is huge. There are two types of browns too. German, and an english gene of browns. Since the german browns were introduced here from a dude who brought them from California (as far as i am aware).
As I am only new to fishing here in Newfoundland (as i fished bass in Ontario for years) I am not sure if they are sea runs, or if they are comming in from the sea. I will be fishing close to the ocean, in a river connected to the coastal waters.
I am new to this stuff as you can tell.
Thanks again!
in your area you will get mostly browns, with some brookies....but the big ones are browns. They are anadromous strains of trout that come into fresh and brackish water on the tides, often late at night. They can be caught from shore, in the estuaries or trolling a bent nail (I'm not kidding) just offshore of an estuary or river mouth.