quick hook to tippet connection??
My 14 year old son is affected by ataxic cerebral palsy and his hands tremor badly when he's trying to perform small motor functions. He's not able to tie any knots at all.
My question is; is there a product that allows a quick connection between the hook and tippet similar to the barrelswivel/quick-lock snap/snelled hook system used in bait casting? Or, has anyone ever tried to snell flies and use the metal snaps on a fly rod?
I can tie all his flies snell style, but I want him to be as independent as possible while he's on the water. My concern with the snap locks is the weight. We mostly fish in fresh water so this may not even be a problem, but we do plan to get after some trout this summer and I want him to have a chance to get a few on his own. I think a snap lock would tend to drag his fly down and be detrimental to a good presentation.
I'm also looking toward the future, I don't want him to miss out on fly fishing just because his dad isn't there to tie the knots.
Thanks in advance for the help that you can (and will generously) give.