Should you put floatant on your deer hair bugs? Regular old trout fly floatant?
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Should you put floatant on your deer hair bugs? Regular old trout fly floatant?
You can, of course. You should, however, think about it first.
What do you expect out of your deer hair bugs?
I know several guys who really like it when their bugs get a bit 'waterlogged', almost to the point of foundering. The 'sound' the bug makes in this state is diferent, as is how it behaves on the water. They do manage to keep these bugs 'floating' (barely) by occasionally squeezing the water out of them.
But, if what you want is a high floating bug that will stay that way, then a floatant is a good idea.
I'd stay away from the 'on steam' stuff that the trout dry fly guys use, though. Use a permanent treatment like Watershed.
I use a product sold in the camping section at the big box store called 'Silicone Water Guard' that's made for clothing and boots. One treatment with this stuff and it's good forever.
Good Luck!
I don't use floatant on any of my deer hair bugs, poopers, sliders, etc for experience has taught me to pack the deer hair as tightly as possible using my thumbnail. Needless to say, I happen to have very strong thumbnails which other folks may not, therefore hair packing tools come in handy for that purpose. From my experience, I found that the tighter packed the deer hair, the longer it will float high on the surface. When it starts to become waterlogged, the bugs act differently by sinking slightly into the water column and sometimes this can be quite productive on Bass. Once the bug becomes too waterlogged for my liking, I either shake water out of it or replace it with another flie, leaving the waterlogged bug stuck to my hat band to dry out a little. It's always good to have a good assortment of bugs. Some fellows may prefer to add floatant to their flies, but I for one don't care to mess with it and have been quite happy with my results so far. :wink:
I do. I use a lot of Divers and find I like to squeeze some SA Floatant (the cheapo stuff from a tube) into the fly initially. Makes it float higher, longer.
When they get too water-logged for my likes (that takes 3-4 hrs) I'll just give 'em a good squeeze out and apply some more floatant or do a change-up.
Works for me but everyone has their own prefs. I also agree with the previous poster about bass liking a slightly sunken diver. It just depends on what you like etc.
a thin superglue layer over the hair has never failed me. The deerhair obtains more of a cork or balsa like quality from this, and makes a hell of alot more noise. Just personal preference though, sometimes the fish like a diver/popper thats barely floating. Carry a variety.
I like a slightly thicker floatant ( like Daves Bug Float) that an be rubbed into the TOP of the bug. ( i.e Whee you want it.) This lest the bottom get wet/ride lower but keeps the bug on top.
BTW, Treat your Bug with RainX and it will float like a ballon. Almost too water resistant actually.