Nice story. Looking forward to seeing that segment of Fly Fishing America this Friday. Now that you're a TV star, you won't go getting all hoity - toity on us will you?
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Nice story. Looking forward to seeing that segment of Fly Fishing America this Friday. Now that you're a TV star, you won't go getting all hoity - toity on us will you?
Yeah, next thing you know he will be buying a bunch of Abel reels with various paint jobs on them to go with a whole new quiver full of Orvis and Sage top end rods.
Hello Gentlemen,
This is Dave Micus' agent. He's too busy to get back to you, but he appreciates your kind words.
I saw him in downtown Boston signing autographs, or at least he was trying to get people to ask him to do so. I think most thought he was just another drunk, but thats not so. He's our drunk.
It's a shame I won't be around to see it this weekend. Like most of those shows it will probably have more film time on Micus driving around than fish time. I hope Micus keeps our New England repuatation for being the worst/ most dangerous drivers in the country status going. What a better road to prove it on.
Congrats on the TV time Dave. Did you at least get a free meal out of it?
Who has time for stress when there are fish to catch.
I think the first showing is tomorrow night and then on Monday in some places...I've got to see it!
LadyFisher, Publisher of
Hey Mr Agent!.....You better have Dave's endorsement deals signed BEFORE all those advertisers SEE his mug on TV!!
Glad he appreciates my kind words....as kind as they're gonna get! http://www.flyanglersonline.com/bb/wink.gif
(Can't wait to see the show)
"Worlds' FIRST Saltwater Bluegill guide"
This site's about sharing!
Is it true that Dave was last seen at the Orvis shop in Boston purchasing several thousand dollars of matching fishing outfits including duplicate shirts so the sweat doesn't show on long, hot outings? 8T http://www.flyanglersonline.com/bb/smile.gif
You had better learn to be a happy camper. You only get one try at this campground and it's a real short camping season.
Okay, I got it selected on the cable box to automagically switch to that channel when it starts at 6:00pm local time.
Just an observation. . . it IS friday the 13th, what will interfere with my watching of it? http://www.flyanglersonline.com/bb/wink.gif
Purchase clothing from Orvis? A big star like Dave gets his taylor made and free! Why Orvis is just thankful that he has agreed to wear their clothing.
As his evil twin and new manager, Dave will be happy to answer your questions here on the SWB daily from 10am to 11am Monday and Wednesday EST. But please keep them short and to the point.*G*