Conversation Between lastchance and Diane

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi, Bruce. I tied my Foxees a bit too big for most of the trout fishing around here but I got some interest last fall from a couple of big browns during the fall run. I plan to tie up a few minis in size 12 and maybe even 14 if I can figure out what to use for the little eyes that adds the right amount of weight.

    Hey, I just read your profile and saw that you're an eco-friendly guy who loves nature. You might like seeing the big new project I'm into. We're building a new neighborhood in an existing Ithaca ecovillage. Lots of fun, lots of work. Take a look if you want at

    Maybe we should have a mini clouser swap to give me an excuse to tie up those small Foxees. Hmmm.
  2. Hi Diane: I just met another Diane that lives in Ithaca. She's originally from Western, PA. Do you ever fish the Foxee Minnow for trout? How did you do with trout?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2