Memories to Share

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♥ Somebody said that it couldn't be done,But he with a chuckle replied That "maybe it couldn't" but he would be one,Who wouldn't say so till he'd tried ♥,E.G
  1. IMG 4626
  2. B0000058
  3. B0000144
  4. B0001574
  5. Santas Secret
  6. Dresssingup1
  7. B0001539
  8. Untitled 1
  9. B0000042
  10. Fishing Truck
  11. Tying and exam area
  12. Molcsan's Fly Shop 
Established 1998
  13. Harvey - Our Fishing Truck 
and part of the family 
All the wood and metal work is now Complete.  
The tailgate is green washed hardwood with all...
  14. Michael, Susan & Steve
  15. A Community of True Characters  
Introducing "Our Fish Camp Crew" at Fall River
  16. Michael's 1st catch on our boat...
  17. Michael Catches a Rainbow
  18. Examining the hatch.
  19. ♫♫ Oh Baby, Sweet Little Baby!  ♫♫ 
Come to Papa :)
  20. Inspiration? 
You bet, after seeing this I was inspired to ask if I could join this fisherman on his outing.. :)
  21. 1st fly and fish
  22. Michael, check out the thumb action 
he's a natural caster..
Showing pictures 1 to 25 of 60
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