Memories to Share

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♥ Somebody said that it couldn't be done,But he with a chuckle replied That "maybe it couldn't" but he would be one,Who wouldn't say so till he'd tried ♥,E.G
  1. Bessie , 1947 8N 
Our camp icon
  2. Old Faithful
  3. "The Bessemer Route" - Our Grandfathers place of work, where he earned a Timeless  Gold Watch... 
This is our true Story about that watch. Each...
  4. Our Old fishing truck aka: Harvey  
Pulling Christmas Duty...  
"Santa's Secret" 
 North Pole Magic Tree Light & Power Company 
Established Each...
  5. 1st Fly
  6. Follow the Fishie
  7. Yosemite on the Rocks 
with just a splash...:)
  8. Photo Title - "Hat's Off" 
My Boy's 1st Fly, Hares Ear  
Notice the fly's silhouette on Michael's  hat....
  9. Photo Title: Grace 
Every Camp Morning: 
Face the Flag of stars and bars,  Of red and white and blue, 
      A flag that guarantees the rights 
Top Left : Troop Transport, a.k.a.Harvey, our fishing truck 
Lower Left: Beale Air Force Base with our troops...
  11. A Great Day, together examining the bugs..  
Henry's Fork at Harriman Ranch, Idaho
  12. Santa's Ride
  13. My Wonderful Family 
Michael, Susan & Me
  14. A fine catch on eagle wings...:)
  15. My kid in a candy store. 
Ennis Mt. 
"My very own Candyman" 
  16. New one in the works.. 
Background Photo Credit to Joe, AKA: Lotech
  17. My Boy with our new wheels.
  18. Wheel Buddies 
Great subjects can be ready at a moments notice 
always have the camera ready.
  19. Michael
  20. Casting
  21. Father Son Conversation: 
How big was it? 
Yep, good answer, your learning well grasshopper..:)
  22. River Lunch,  yep, those our PB&J's ...:) 
Island Park, Idaho - at Henrys lake outlet. 
"On Eagles Wings" 
August 1998
  23. Rod Collection 
My wishful thinking photo!
Showing pictures 26 to 50 of 60
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