

Deanna Travis - July 5, 2010

This is a very old recipe and when I came across it recently it was one of those little “lights going on in my head things.” As I said in my article this week too often we get caught up in all the new wonderful stuff and forget the simple fun things. This is one of them and besides its tastes great!

You will need a glass apothecary-type jar with a glass top - it needs to be a loose cover, you will see why.

Combine 3/4 cup drained canned cut up peaches, 3/4 cup drained pineapple tidbits, 6 maraschino cherries but in half. Add 1 ½ cups of sugar and 1 package dry yeast. Put all ingredients in the glass jar. Set it on the cupboard where you can see it.

Stir once in a while when you go by, then once a day from then one. Write when you made it on the calendar. At the end of two weeks add to it to “make the sauce.” Do not eat it before the two weeks are up.

Every two weeks add 1 cup of fruit (your choice) and 1 cup of sugar and stir once a day. You must add every two weeks or the potted fruit will stop working. When someone wants some you should always give at least two cups away and keep two cups for starter for yourself. A little Caro syrup when serving adds a little shine.

Serve as is or over ice cream, angel food or pound cake.

[If alcohol consumption is a problem for you skip this recipe]

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