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BEGINNINGS "A Season of Archery"

Reviewed By Deanna Travis - January 31, 2011

BEGINNINGS - Book Review - January 31, 2011

“The buck moved closer...40 yards now, and he raised the bow. He could count the tines and see the color change as the antlers went from dark brown to near ivory tips. It was 30 yards now, and he slowly began to inch his bow into shooting position. At 20 yards he began his draw as his eyes concentrated on a spot just behind the front leg. His mind burned an imaginary bull’s-eye on the deer as the string began to slip from his fingers...”

This was a small excerpt from R.E. Long’s book Beginnings “A Season of Archery” which he kindly sent to me for a possible review on Fly Anglers OnLine. Ralph is a long-time reader of FAOL and his book is dedicated to his Mom and Dad “for providing my Beginnings”. 

I know we have a fair number of archery fans here on FAOL as well. The late JC and I were involved in archery for a number of years and we in fact helped to found the archery club Big Horn Archers in Livingston Montana back in the 1970s. My husband, Neil Travis is also an experienced archer and hunter. We all spent time in both target archery and hunting so I can honestly say Ralph has done a remarkable job of getting the message about what archery can mean to a young man (in this case age twelve) and the importance of teaching the new archer not just the shooting methods but the responsibilities as well. It is a nice family story too.

There is just enough actual ‘shooting’ and hunting included to hold the readers interest. The lessons are well stated and accurate. A couple of places are a little ‘preachy’ but I certainly have been known to use my various columns to make a point as well.

If you have a young person who has an interest in archery or just want to add to your knowledge of how to teach archery pick up a copy. Or quoting the back cover, “Whether you’re dreaming of your first season, getting ready to share a season with a youngster, or just want to relive your own beginnings long past, this story captures the essence of taking to the field with bow in hand.” Highly recommended.

Beginnings “A Season of Archery”
Author Ralph (R.E.) Long
Soft cover, 118 pages
ISBN 9781456356750


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